I list below representative projects as principal researcher.


Tree species capacity to recruit in future suitable environments: the relevance of the regeneration niche.

Funding: Fondecyt Regular Chile 1200468

Period: 2020-2024

In colaboration with Aurora Gaxiola and Andres Plaza



Ecological Integrity of endangered Nothofagus macrocarpa


Funding: Fondo de investigación del bosque nativo FIBN 004/2021

Period: 2022-2024


Development of dynamic prediction models for the distribution ranges of tree species in southern South America.


Funding: CONICYT REDI 170321

Period: 2017-2019

In colaboration with Harald Bugmann and Jonathan Barichivic


Geospatial patterns of tree mortality


Forests are becoming vulnerable to higher tree mortality due to climate change. Recently, it has been proposed an emergent global phenomenon of increased tree mortality in response to climate change. If changes in tree mortality persist over time, they could alter forest structure, composition and carbon storage. This project will obtain spatially resolved data of tree mortality from old-growth forests of southern South America, a region that has been poorly inventoried for this demographic process. This research will provide evidence of climate change impacts in an area with high levels of endemism and tree species richness in South America.


Funding: Fondecyt (Chile), ref. number 11150835

Period: 2015 - 2018


Monitoring forest degradation from space


Forest lost is the most relevant driver of global change, thus stoping forest degradation is a key challengue towards sustainable development. Chile is among the countries with the highest rate of primary forest degradation in latinamerica. This project aims at developing tools to monitor forest degradation using remote sensing techniques and to evaluate recent spatio-temporal trends in biomass of primary temperate rainforests in south-central Chile.


Funding: Fondo de investigacion del Bosque Nativo (CONAF, Chile), ref. number 27/2015

Period: 2015 - 2017


Massive defoliation in Patagonian forests


It is widely recognized the role of insects outbreaks on forest dynamics. It has been claimed that insect outbreaks are rare phenomena in the Southern Hemisphere. However, recent massive insect outbreaks of the native moth Ormiscodes amphimone have caused total defoliation of temperate forests for several non-consecutive years in Chilean Patagonia. This project aim to fill relevant scientific gaps about the long-term temporal and spatial dynamic of O. amphimone outbreaks in southern temperate forests by using the framework of population dynamics theory, dendrochronological methods and remote sensing techniques.


In colaboration with Dr. Sergio Estay (PI) and Dr. Roberto Chavez

Funding: Fondecyt (Chile), ref. number 1160370

Period: 2016-2020.


Large old trees persistence


The loss of large old trees is a recognized concern in forest ecosystems. In southern South America (SSA) existed trees as big as 5 m in diameter and >50 m tall. Other tree species in the same region can reach over 40 m tall and up to 2 m in diameter. However, limited information exists on carbon release that accompanies the logging or dead of these large old trees. In addition, large old trees in SSA may experience higher mortality risk due increased drought conditions predicted for this century producing a decrease in above-ground biomass and releasing carbon. The main goal of this research is to assess the consequences that climate change could exert on large old trees and their relevance for carbon storage of primary temperate rainforests of Chile.


Funding: CONICYT-PAI Chile

Period: 2013-2015


Assessing climate change impacts on primary temperate rainforests


Plant traits, both morphological and functional, are essential to understanding and predicting the adaptation of ecosystems to global change. This project developed a database that improves the empirical basis for such predictions. It is expected in the short-term to provide public access (via a website) for scientific and educational use.

In addition a parameter set was developed that contributes towards informing dynamic forest models in data-poor areas such as SSA. Finally, this research evaluated the performance of three dynamic forest models in SSA. In addition, calibration schemes were elaborated to reduce parameter uncertainty. The experience gained contributes towards applying the models over large extents of primary forests in SSA. This research contributed to determine climate change threats on ecosystem services of primary forests in SSA and produced a high quality baseline data for future research.


Funding: European Comission - Marie Curie Actions FP7

Project code: FORECOFUN-SSA PIEF-GA-2010-274798

Period: 2012-2014


• 2006-2009, Long-term forest dynamics of Chilean temperate rainforests under climatic fluctuations. Funding: DAAD (Germany)

Photo by Veronique Ringwald

Creative Commons License

Photo credits: Veronique Ringwald

Alvaro G. Gutierrez

Personal website


My work focuses on the dynamics and conservation of forests, with focus on documenting and anticipating the impacts of global change. I use a combination of approaches to explore how local interactions of trees with their environment, scale up to patterns of forest structure and distribution of tree species. My fieldwork has focused in temperate rainforests of southern South America.


Lab webpage: www.bosqueciencialab.org (spanish)



Alvaro G. Gutierrez


Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales y Recursos Naturales Renovables,
Universidad de Chile

bosqueciencia@gmail.com Twitter: @BosqueCiencia